Reader Reviews Count

I recently read a thriller by a popular novelist. In her acknowledgements she thanked her editor, who is also the senior vice-president of a major publishing company.

When it comes to author and book promotions, an infinitesimal number of writers have an army of literary staff and a virtual warehouse of data algorithms propelling their works into reader fan stratosphere.

But for every James Patterson or J. K. Rowling there are thousands of other novelists out here telling fantastic stories. We rely on family, friends, and online acquaintances to spread the word about our works.

A reader can show kindness to an “unsung” author in a single, simple way:

Write an Online Review.

The review doesn’t have to be elaborate. But it must be honest. Click on the star count of your choice or write a few words. Here are some examples of reader comments:

One Star: “Wasn’t my cup or tea.”

Two Stars: “Like the story but the main character is (fill in the blank.)”

Three Stars: “Almost as good as (name of favorite book in the genre of the book being reviewed.)”

Four Stars: “Good book.” or “Kept me up all night.”

Five Stars: “Recommended it to my book club.” or “Can’t wait to read the sequel.”

Before you move on to your next read, show an author some love by taking a minute to tell the AI data minions about an amazing book you’ve discovered.